Ако желаете можете да си изтеглите тази книга в някой от следните формати:
Barrett, C.K. The Signs of an Apostle. The Cato Lecture 1969, Paternoster Press, London, 1970.
Conner, Kevin J. The Church in the New Testament. 2nd Edition. Conner Publications, Blackburn, Victoria, Australia, 1987.——. Interpreting the Book of Revelation. Acacia Press, Victoria, Australia, 1995.
Ruthven, Jon. On the Cessation of the Charismata, The Protestant Polemic on Postbiblical Miracles. Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield, Australia, 1993.Sparks, T. Austin. Prophetic Ministry. A Classic Study on the Nature of a Prophet. Destiny Image Publishers, Shippensburg, PA, USA, 2000.
Tenney, Merril C. The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible. Vol.2 D-G. The Zondervan Corporation, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1975, 1976.Van Gemeren, Willem A. Interpreting the Prophetic Word. An Introduction to the Prophetic Literature of the Old Testament. Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1990.Zodhiates, Spiros. Managing Editor, Warren Baker, D.R.E. The Hebrew Greek Key Study Bible,. Revised Edition. New American Standard Bible, AMG Publishers, Chattanooga, 37422, USA, 1991.
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